Saturday, February 12, 2011

15 YEARS OF I.C.D.S. (1 rupee coin)

Government of India proclaimed a National Policy on Children in August 1974 declaring children as, "supremely important asset". The policy provided the required framework for assigning priority to different needs of the child. The programme of the Integrated Child Development Services(ICDS) was launched in 1975 seeking to provide an integrated package of services in a convergent manner for the holistic development of the child.The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme was conceived in 1975 with an integrated delivery package of early childhood services so that their synergistic effect can be taken full advantage of.The Scheme aims to improve the nutritional and health status of vulnerable groups including pre-school children, pregnant women and nursing mothers through providing a package of services including supplementary nutrition, pre-school education, immunization, health check-up, referral services and nutrition & health education. In addition, the Scheme envisages effective convergence of inter-sectoral services in the anganwadi centres.The Scheme targets the most vulnerable groups of population including children upto 6 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers belonging to poorest of the poor families and living in disadvantaged areas including backward rural areas, tribal areas and urban slums. In the year 1990  ICDS scheme completed its  15 years the RBI issued a coin on its 15th anniversary .

This is a copper-nickel one rupee coin weighing 6.05 gm and having a diameter of 26mm.On one side we have the 'Ashoka Sthamba' and the denomination and on the other side the logo of  ICDS is inscribed which is a symbolic representation of 'Child Care' -a child in the lap and above the logo 'Vasudhav Kutumbakam' is incribed  which means 'The whole world is like a family' and '15 years of ICDS' is written in english on one side and the same slogan is inscribed in hindi

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